
Untitled PrisProgramme-panama

Registrarse es GRATIS. Solo tienes que descargar la App PUMA PRIS HN y llenar tus datos.

Cada cliente puede acceder a su cuenta de forma gratuita, a través de la App. En ella pueden ver información de su cuenta, el historial de sus consumos y sus puntos acumulados.

Pagando a través de PUMA PRIS acumulas puntos en cada galón de combustible y compras en Super 7 de forma rápida y segura.

Los Puntos PRIS podrás canjearlos por descuentos para tus cargas en combustibles o compras en las tiendas Super 7.


Discover How it works


Download the App on your cell phone

Download the Puma Pris HN App from your cell phone's application store (App Store or Google Play).

Create your account

Create your account. Enter your contact information and accept the terms and conditions.

Enter your profile

Enter your profile. Enter your username and password to enter.

Payment methods

After accumulating points, you will be able to choose when and for which available discounts you want to redeem them.

Accumulate Points

Accumulate points. Pay with Puma Pris and start accumulating and enjoying your points. If you are already a member, press UPDATE using your username and password. If you do not remember your password, press RESET PASSWORD.


Program Rules

Before registering in PUMA PRIS, you must read and accept the terms and conditions to participate in the program.

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