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Learn about PUMA PRIS

PUMA PRIS is a loyalty program like no other. Our goal is to accompany and understand each of our affiliates, fill them with everything they need at each of their stops and join them to continue their journey.

Become a PUMA PRIS Affiliate

Step 1
Download the PUMA PRIS App from your cell phone's application store (App Store or Google Play).

Step 2
Create your account by entering your personal information, contact information and accepting the Terms and Conditions.

Step 3
Access your profile by entering your username and password.

Step 4
Start earning and enjoying your points.

Step 5
Pay with Puma Pris and start accumulating and enjoying your points. If you are already a member, press UPDATE using your username and password. If you do not remember the password, press RESET PASSWORD.

Step 1
Download the PUMA PRIS App from your cell phone's application store (App Store or Google Play).

Step 2
Create your account by entering your personal information, contact information and accepting the Terms and Conditions.

Step 3
Access your profile by entering your username and password.

Step 4
Start earning and enjoying your points.

Step 5
Pay with Puma Pris and start accumulating and enjoying your points. If you are already a member, press UPDATE using your username and password. If you do not remember the password, press RESET PASSWORD.